Thursday, 24 February 2011

everything in transit

Photo's from my first hitchhiking experience a few weeks back - something else to add to the seemingly endless list of things I never thought I would do until I came to this crazy place. In all honestly when we were on the way there and the first car pulled up I was ready to bolt, but it ended up being more fun than I could have imagined - despite the fact that we chose the completely wrong day! It was frighteningly beautiful as you can see but it was also -30... We went to Canmore, the next town after Banff and getting there was OK because the two guys from Vancouver that picked us up dropped us in the centre, but what we didn't anticipate that unlike Lake Louise, Canmore's highway junction was a good forty minute walk away with all our groceries...

Despite that, this section of the Trans-Canada Highway has quickly become one of my favourite places in the world to be. I cannot describe the feeling in my stomach whenever I'm travelling along it, whether it be on a bus or in the car of a stranger filled with laughter, but it is something of excitement and opportunity and purpose. I always had a strange love for motorways back home anyway, the way everyone was travelling really fast in the same direction and the shadows would bounce through the lamplights when it was nighttime, and so being surrounded by huge mountains and sky bluer than anything I have ever seen just multiplies the feeling tenfold. 

I realise that I haven't posted in ages - this isn't my wish! I would love to post everyday because I want to document as much of this trip as I can but it just isn't practical! For one I don't have internet at home anymore as the price went up for $30 for 30 days to $220 (no joke) and I just don't feel as much of the need to use it anymore... Can't be anything but a good thing, right? Anyway I've got a couple of post ideas in my head that I want to do - maybe I'll do them now and put them through as scheduled posts, or maybe I won't and you'll have to wait another three weeks. Who knows?

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