Sunday, 9 January 2011

ice skating on lake louise

I absolutely love ice skating. Think I'm developing a slight addiction - I went three times this week in the space of four days and I would've gone more except that I had to work! The first time I went I went with my new Swedish housemate Christel (2nd photo). This woman is frickin amazing - she's only been with us about a week and a half but we've gelled really well already. She's such an interesting person to talk to and has travelled so much - she spent a few years working in South America so is fluent in Spanish, as well as English, Swedish (obviously) and conversational in Russian & German! Whenever we chat she always ends up telling me a story about 'when I was in Mongolia...' 'when I was in Bulgaria...' 'when I was in Chile...' etc, and I love it. I hope I'm like her when I'm older. She's moving out soon though, from B1 (my house) to D3 (brooke & mel's house) because the Thai girls are leaving so D3 has two while we have four... I'm gutted! Who is going to make me tea and toast when I am too hungover to even wash a cup now? :')

Anyway, the feeling of pure contentment I had the first time I went was bizarre. It's the first time I've ever skated on a frozen lake, and it was really awe-inspiring just to be zipping/falling around whilst being surrounded by beautiful mountains. Me and Christel were chatting about my plans for Canada and I felt so at peace about everything... The feeling of freedom is overwhelming and I think I'm only just beginning to realise how much opportunity I have here! At the moment the plan is to leave Lake Louise in the middle of May and go kayaking in Yukon, and then travel to Ontario to work at a summer camp in the middle of June. It's in a place called Miskoka, (I'm sure that's spelt wrong!) and it's a Jewish camp called Camp Ramah. I wouldn't be working with the children though, I'd be dining staff, which is good for me 'cause you still get the atmosphere and antics of a summer camp but without having to deal with little shits! (I'm really not a kids person, aha...) Brooke has gone for the past two years and says that it's her favourite place in the world. You get to live next to a lake, which is an aspiration of mine! The money is too bad either... in fact, it's fricking amazing. $4500 for two months (£3000) but you get to take it all home because they pay for EVERYTHING for you!

That's the plan at the moment, but things can always change. I mean, four months ago I didn't even know I was going to Canada, so who knows what could happen in that time from now? That's one of the best bits though, I think.

So to get back to the original point, ice-skating is going to become a hobby of mine. I'm determined to be good by the time the ice melts - so Manchester outdoor ice rink 2011, watch out for me and my skillzzzzz!

Speak soon, love

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