Tuesday, 21 September 2010

chasing the dream though i never pick up the pen

img from lonelyplanet.com


in the last post, i mentioned that yesterday was a big day... well i don't want to jynx anything by posting about it til it's confirmed, so i'm keeping schum... although lets just say that, right now, the post title is wrong. however, how beautiful is this photo? it's of the banff national park in the rockies. i hope the amazing folks from lonelyplanet.com don't mind me using their photo! a few months ago i started reading the lonelyplanet magazine, and i wish i had discovered it earlier. it contains more inspiration to me than any elle or vogue i have ever read.

athough that doesn't stop me still having an unhealthy obsession with fashion! i really wish i could post more outfit posts, but there's two problems; 01. i don't own a tripod (as of yet) so can't take photo's unless my sister takes them, and she's not brilliant... (megan i'm sorry, i love you!!) and 02. i work five days a week at a job that requires uniform, so on these days i usually go from pjs to uniform and back again. which is very uninspiring, i need a new job :( maybe in the future i'll be able to do more.

it's getting cold & dark so fast! every winter me + sophie get excited about wrapping up warm and being all cosy, yet every winter both of us end up cold in inappropiate clothes. i don't own anything long sleeved!! year upon year i crave big chunky knits, and yet i don't own any... so frustrating!

anyway, i am proper knackered, so it's a bath + an early night for me :)

Sunday, 19 September 2010

everything's not lost

sheer top 3/4 sleeve top - free people at uo, under vest top - topshop, black sequin skirt - ebay, tights - m&s, blazer - charity shop. usual jewelery

quite embarrassed about these photos aha, (not really the attitude to be having in the blogging world is it?) but me + my sister megan had fun - despite us both being complete utter camera noobs and not using the flash :| hence the awful photo quality, i do apologise!
anyway, the blazer is one of my finds from 'thrifting' the other day with james (yes, the daft word requires inverted commas) i found it in mind in didsbury and just thought it was amazing, & with a £6.50 price tag even better! i've already worn it twice since i bought it... charity shops in south manchester are SO much better than bury. i didn't find any of the chanel etc that i've been told people have seen, probably the most expensive label i found was a completely hideous salmon pink vintage jaeger jacket that i wanted to buy for novelty but i mean really, ew.
i also bought two shirts, one in the most disgusting floral pattern you've ever seen in your life and the other in red velvet. photos soon, nom.

back to this outfit, i'm wearing one of my favourite tops in the world ever and these photos don't do it justice! it's got batwing style sleeves and is made of mesh with thick stripes of different shades of blue and yellow. i'll have to photograph it better at some stage.
oh, and the purpose of it? going to like a 'last meal' to see all my friends before the majority go to uni :'( s a d.
anyway, i have a big day tomorrow - so much to sort out! not sure if it'll go to plan quite yet so i'm not posting about it, but if it does, my life is gonna change. more later!

s a d

james left for uni in newcastle yesterday :'( think i need to turn the coldplay off now...

the end of an era

these shoes have accompanied me for the past five years of my life, and how i love them! i first got them - in their hot pink high top original state - in year 9 and they have been with me on some of the best days of my life. including the 'emo' stage that became a sort of rite-of-passage... hence the radioactive orange and green laces.
the left foot says 'ganeesh' which is related to an note once passed to me in a geography lesson by my friend alex dixon, simply saying ganeesh... apparently it was said to him by our other friend stuart during a film when everyone wouldn't shut up. errr, ok.
the right foot says 'gibabas', an alternative to pyjamas as said by a boy i quite liked called callum when i was on a youth camp thing in the summer of year 9. + then in year 12 i decided i preffered low tops so turned the tops down...
as you can see, these shoes have had a bit of wear...the bottom sole of the shoe is completely worn down and flattened, the cotton inner sole has come away so my feet rest of rubber (which is actually quite comfortable, it's moulded to my toes), the all star sign at the back has completely rubbed away and the circle star sticker is close to falling out. not to mention the fact that there is a gaping hole in the back of each other them, effectively turning them into converse slippers.
i love them because they hold so many memories and because they are completely mine and whenever i wear them i think of times when i was younger. i have never seen anyone else with converse quite like mine. they've been in this awful state and yet i've still worn them almost everyday because i can't bear to let go - however the other day, i finally bought a (long over-due, according to many people included an office shop assistant, cheeky get) new pair of converse. just plain white low tops, i didn't want anything to resemble these as they can't be replaced. they sat in their box whilst i sulked at them for a while, but i've started wearing them now. i almost feel like i'm cheating on my old converse :( so it's the end of an era - in a cliche kind of way buying new ones has helped to mark my transition from being a kid in school and college to whatever i am next. *dramatic face* hahahahahaha, i had to say it. :D
my darling pink converse - i shall keep you and love you forever, and one day i will find someone to fix you and you will live on !! :)

Thursday, 16 September 2010

vogue october editorial love

pho. paul wetherell model. the beautiful lily donaldson (i wish vogue would use her more!)

pho. by laura sciacovelli, model. anna jagodzinska
photos from the fashion spot

Going 'thrifting' (i feel so daft saying that obviously american word but it sounds better than charity-shop-shopping) in south manchester with the boyfriend... i hope i'll have more luck then i do everytime i wistfully look through bury's 'selection' :Z

Monday, 13 September 2010

slight obsession

dublin is like barcelona in that it has those rent-a-bike things all around the city! i so wish manchester had this, although it rains all the time and the local lovelies would just trash them anyway... i was surprised to see a lot of people use them - it's always amusing to see men in suits navigating traffic on spindly metal. in quite a few ways it reminded me of barcelona actually - with it's cobbled streets, wide roads with paths down the middle and towering buildings - of course, it isn't a patch on the real thing!


1st outfit: granny skirt worn as dress - secondhand, belt - secondhand, scarf - vintage, denim jacket - topshop, flats - primark, bag - nica
2nd outfit: shirt - secondhand, black skirt - miss selfridge, cardigan - topshop, bag - as before, beloved 5 year old converse

I'm a creature of habit and pratically always use the same bag and wear the same jewellery, but as this is my first proper 'outfit' post you won't have known that yet! i'll do a post on them at some point. the first photo of me is really awful but i had no other, and the second would've been good had the boyfriend been able to work the flash :) ! i love these granny-skirts-come-dresses and have about four short and two long. the scarf was my mums, from the 80s! i also love these shoes but as they are primark they are literally falling apart - i am tempted to get them resoled (which will probably cost more than the actual shoe) because i love them that much!
my wondeful converse are introduced in the second outfit. i'm also going to do a post on these (a rather sad one actually - but more on that later) i've had them for about five years now, since i was 14. yes i appear to be a fan of knackered shoes, but they are my favourite shoes in the world ever.
my black bodycon skirt is so terribly standard but honestly it is a lifesaver for all the wierd and wonderful tops i have (like that shirt) i mean sometimes denim shorts just don't cut it! :D
there is no outfit photo for the third day! i didn't get to wear my yellow smock thing as i'd forgotten to bring the top to go underneath it (it's massive so it indecent exposure is on the cards without it) and dublin was THAT expensive that i couldn't afford to buy another, not even from primark/penneys. so i just had to wear a tee and my black skirt instead. sad day :(

really wish i was more photogenic! also, i require glasses :)

there's plenty of craic in dublin

the streets of dublin, the river, trinity university, chairs in a hotel, the zoo house, coloured parliment doors, shop signs, the temple bar, buskers, an art cafe, my luggage tag, waiting for the flight home

dublin was amazing, i hope it comes across in the pictures.